EFIA (Ecumenical Faith in Action)
Once every 7 weeks members of our congregation gather at the Food Pantry to help bag canned food items and to hand them out to needy families in our Community. Our church also supports EFIA through monthly contributions to help service people who need help.

Feeding America Soup Kitchen
On the fourth Wednesday of each month volunteers from our congregation serve hot meals to needy individuals throughout that day at the soup kitchen. The United Methodist Women work every Monday to prepare food for the needy of the Community.

Good News Jail Ministry
Members of our congregation are encouraged to bring magazines, old devotional magazines and Bible studies that are taken to the local jails for the inmates to enjoy. You can drop off these items at the entrance to the church office.

Benevolent Trust Fund
This fund was created specifically by Abingdon United Methodist Church so that we can assist individuals who have no other aid available to them.

The Social Club
Twice a year our church hosts a dinner for Mentally Challenged Adults in Abingdon, Virginia, providing them a social outlet. Members of our congregation cook a homemade meal and provide transportation for these individuals.